Teleology, Mechanism,
and the Mind-Body Problem
between Leibniz and Kant


Research Workshop of the Israel Science Foundation

Department of Humanities and Arts, Technion

23-25 May, 2022

About the Workshop

Join us at the "Teleology, Mechanism, and the Mind-Body Problem between Leibniz and Kant Research Workshop" of the Israel Science Foundation Science Foundation and the Department of Humanities and Arts, Technion.

The workshop will be held at the Technion on May 23-25, 2022

Recording lectures

Topic: Teleology, Mechanism and the Mind-Body Problem Workshop
Start Time: May 25, 2022 09:33 AM - LINK 

Topic: Teleology, Mechanism and the Mind-Body Problem Workshop
Start Time: May 24, 2022 06:44 PM - LINK 

Topic: Teleology, Mechanism and the Mind-Body Problem Workshop
Start Time: May 24, 2022 01:15 PM - LINK 

Topic: Teleology, Mechanism and the Mind-Body Problem Workshop
Start Time: May 24, 2022 12:41 PM - LINK

Topic: Teleology, Mechanism and the Mind-Body Problem Workshop
Start Time: May 24, 2022 08:54 AM - LINK 

Topic: Teleology, Mechanism and the Mind-Body Problem Workshop
Start Time: May 23, 2022 09:44 PM - LINK

Topic: Teleology, Mechanism and the Mind-Body Problem Workshop
Start Time: May 23, 2022 09:41 PM - LINK 

Topic: Teleology, Mechanism and the Mind-Body Problem Workshop
Start Time: May 23, 2022 08:22 PM - LINK 

Topic: Teleology, Mechanism and the Mind-Body Problem Workshop
Start Time: May 13, 2022 12:50 PM - LINK 



Day 1

Monday | 23 May, 2022

09:30-10:00 | Gathering and light breakfast
10:00-10:15 | Welcoming Remarks
10:15-11:45 | Chair: Noa Shein (Ben-Gurion)
Marleen Rozemond (University of Toronto): "The Need for Immaterial Beings in Cudworth and Leibniz"
Charles Wolfe (Université Toulouse II): "Soul as Mind, Soul as Organism: Two Naturalization Strategies in the Enlightenment"
Coffee Break
12:00-13:30 | Chair: Noa Lahav-Ayalon (Technion)
Paul Rateau (Université Paris 1): "Physics, Teleology and Theology: the use of the Concept of Machines of Nature in the Leibniz-Bossuet Correspondence"

Stephan Schmid (Universität Hamburg, via Zoom): "The Fundamentality of Final Causes in Leibniz“
Lunch Break
14:45-15:45 | Chair: Dan Cook
Keynote, Alison Simmons (Harvard): "Beyond Dualism: The Case of Anne Conway"
Coffee Break
16:00-17:30 | Chair: Noam Hoffer
Julia Jorati (UMass Amherst): “Teleology and the Mind-Body Union in Early Modern Theories of Slavery"
Nabeel Hamid (Concordia University): “Teleology and Mechanism in Wolff’s Cosmology"

18:00 | Dinner 

Day 2

Tuesday | 24 May, 2022 

08:30-12:00 | Tour
12:00 - 13:30  | Lunch
13:30-15:00 | Chair: Marleen Rozemond (University of Toronto)
Enrico Piergiacomi (Villa I Tatti): "Finalism as the Glory of God: The Debate Between Gassendi and Descartes on Final Causes"
Daniel Garber (Princeton): "Leibniz, Mechanism and the Active Matter Tradition”
Coffee Break
15:30-17:15 | Chair: Reed Winegar (Fordham)
Author Meets Critics, Living Mirrors: Infinity, Unity, and Life in Leibniz's Philosophy, by Ohad Nachtomy (Technion)
Paul Rateau, Daniel Garber, Justin Smith (University of Paris), François Duchesneau (Université de Montréal)
18:00 | Dinner 

Day 3

Wednesday | 25 May, 2022

09:30- 10:00 | Gathering and light breakfast
10:30-12:00 | Chair: Uri Eran (Technion)

Noam Hoffer (Bar-Ilan): "The Unity of Kant's Attitude Toward Leibniz's Pre-Established Harmony"
Reed Winegar (Fordham): "Nature and Grace in Leibniz and Kant"
Lunch Break
14:00-15:30 | Chair: Alik Pelman (Technion)

Ido Geiger (Ben-Gurion): "Kant on the Aesthetic Purposiveness of Nature"
Anat Schechtman (University of Wisconsin-Madison): "Leibniz (and Adams) on Perfection as Infinity"
Coffee Break
16:00-17:00 | Chair: Ohad Nachtomy (Technion)

Concluding Keynote, François Duchesneau (Université de Montréal): "Blumenbach’s 'Formative Drive' (Bildungstrieb): A Teleological Principle Beyond Mechanist Models"
18:00 | Dinner 




The workshop is free of charge but pre-registration is required 


אוהד 1

Ohad Nachtomy


Uri Eran


Noam Hoffer


Reed Winegar


The Workshop will be held in the Plenary Hall 7th Floor | Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Click here for driving instructions by waze.

In order to get in to the Technion by car, please tell the guards at the gate about your visit purpose - Workshop of the Department of Humanities and Art.

Although there is no problem getting inside the Technion campus by private car, we ask that you park outside the campus because there are no public parking areas available inside.

You can find a parking lot outside the Technion Neve S'hanan Gate. 

Entrance to the Technion

  1. Participants interested in arriving by private car - please update the guard at the gate that you have arrived at the ISF workshop.
  2. Haifa has two main bus-train terminals:
    Hof HaCarmel – The number 11 bus is a direct bus to the Technion. It leaves from platform 16 and runs once or twice an hour. Otherwise take the 123 line from platform 15; you will have to change at Ziv center (ask the driver where to get  off) to any bus going to the Technion (11, 17, 19, 31).
    *Merkazit Hamifratz – The 142 line reaches the Technion. It leaves from platform 21 and runs a few times a day. Otherwise take the 16 line from platform 23; you will have to change at Ziv (ask the driver where to get off) to any bus going to the Technion (11, 17, 19, 31).
    At the Technion the closest bus station to the faculty is the “Technion/Sports Center” bus station.
  3. For information about the cableexpress:
  4. For bus information and updated timetables please look up the Egged’s (the bus company’s) website.
  5. For information on trains, click here.

Contact us:

Academy - Dr. Uri Eran |
Administration - Ms. Anat Glass |

Hybrid Format

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